Traditional Chinese Acupuncture Clinic, located in downtown Lexington, Kentucky, is a trusted acupuncture clinic with over 19 years of experience. Led by Deborah Hutchinson, PhD, LAc, DiplAc NCCAOM, the clinic offers holistic and individualistic acupuncture treatments tailored to each patient's specific health needs. With a focus on improving overall health, the clinic successfully treats a wide range of conditions including back pain, migraines, joint pain, fibromyalgia, digestive problems, mood disorders, and stress.
Using gentle and relaxing techniques, Traditional Chinese Acupuncture Clinic promotes the body's natural healing abilities, providing effective and natural care for various health issues such as anxiety, depression, menstrual issues, multiple sclerosis, and post-stroke recovery. The clinic is conveniently located in the historic Northside neighborhood, offering free parking and handicap accessibility. With a commitment to restoring balance to physical and emotional health, Traditional Chinese Acupuncture Clinic is dedicated to providing safe and personalized acupuncture treatments.
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