Loretta is a long standing member of ASHA , and belongs to two special interest groups and is contributing member (blogger) for several groups. - She pursues clinical excellence through attending national and state conventions and has moderated on a number of occasions. - She has ten ACE (Awards for Continuing Education) and was acknowledged by KSHA for her efforts in the 30 in 30 public relations campaign. - Loretta recently acquired the distinction as a specialty trainer in the area of Speech Pathology for the state of Kentucky.
Speaking and listening skills are the foundation for reading and writing. - Children learn the speech sounds of their language by listening to those around them. - They begin to imitate and spontaneously produce the sounds within their language. - They combine these sounds to produce words, phrases, sentences and conversation to communicate their needs, wants, and ideas to others. - Children and adults who struggle to hear and produce these sounds, will also struggle to read and write: and may lack the appropriate social skills to interact with others to form meaningful personal and professional relationships.