Executive Cigar Shop is conveniently located midway between the two largest metropolitan areas in Kentucky, Lexington and Louisville. Executive Cigar Shop carries a wide selection of premium cigars, as well as a broad array of premium cigar-related products. Our location is among a select few places where one can publicly smoke in Kentuckiana. The Executive Cigar Shop offers a comfortable smoker's lounge for retail customers and members complete with Wi-Fi and flatscreen TV's to watch the game or any show you desire. December of 2014 we had a Change in Management, if you haven't been out since then, please give us another try. You won't regret it!
Being just outside of Louisville we are not affected by the smoking ban so our customers are able to smoke indoors year round. During the warmer months we also utilize our Deck. Come on out for a Cigar and a Bourbon, we are just 8 minutes past I-265 at exit 28 on I-64. Passion, Service & Expertise are what separates Executive Cigar from other establishments. With the team of Gary Rivoli, Chuck Cash, and Curtis Critchfield in place, we have put tremendous effort into making Executive Cigar Lounge a place where anyone that is interested in cigars whether a novice or an aficionado can come to enjoy a premium cigar with other like minded people. Executive Cigar thrives on the connection a cigar can bring to a group of people. Some refer to it as a Brotherhood. We welcome each and every person that comes into the shop as a member of the family. We are what we call a Neighborhood Cigar Lounge, meaning we are the place our Customers come to enjoy a Cigar to socialize with fellow Customers. We have several Big Screen TV's with all the Sport packages including NFL Sunday Ticket, and the SEC channels. If Sports aren't your thing, it is also common to be listening to Blues or Jazz on our shop radio. If you are looking for a remote location to get some work done, we also offer free Wifi to our Customers.