Christian County Middle School in Hopkinsville, KY is a leading educational institution that offers a diverse range of academic and career pathways for all students. With a collaborative school culture, dedicated educators, and a commitment to student success, the school aims to foster independent lifelong learners who are confident in their abilities to thrive in a global society. Through the Colonel Way, which emphasizes respect, responsibility, and effort, students and staff work diligently to improve academically and enhance their life experiences.
Located at 215 Glass Avenue, Christian County Middle School is dedicated to providing an inclusive and accessible learning environment for all students. Committed to adhering to the best practices and standards defined by Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act, the school strives to ensure that its website and resources are accessible to individuals of all abilities and technological backgrounds. With a strong focus on academic excellence and a supportive community, Christian County Middle School is a hub of learning and growth for students in Hopkinsville, KY.
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