Man's Second Best Friend was founded in 2003 after the business owner was employed by a pet sitting service in Wichita for a period of 5 years, learning the business. The business has evolved from a part-time venture to a full-time job. Many experiences have accumulated and add to our expertise.
Man's Second Best Friend Pet Sitting Service provides professional pet care in the pet's own home. In the business since 1997 we are licensed, bonded and insured. We offer experienced, dedicated, reliable service you can trust. Whether you're away from home for the day or out of town for an extended period Man's Second Best Friend will visit your home daily to care for all of your pets needs. Home care is much less stressful on your pets than traditional boarding for many reasons. In addition to pet care, house-sitting duties are always included. Experience the peace of mind that comes with professional pet/home care. Contact us any time for more information.