Your local full-service body shop. Our staff is capable of taking care of all your needs, including semi, auto, agricultural and we'll even paint your lawn furniture! Every vehicle that comes in will be restored to its original state, and then some. That's what we take pride in here at Linden Body Shop. We have a combined 75 years' experience with all the latest equipment, including a semi-downdraft bake paint booth and lifetime warranty on paint. We strive to make a stressful situation less stressful, by taking care of the situation, and knowing that your vehicle is in the right hands. We know once you see how we exceed expectations here at our body shop, you'll be satisfied and feel confident getting back out on the road. Your vehicle will receive a full detail before leaving our facility no matter what repairs were done. Let your agent know we are on the Open Shop Network when filing your next claim. We give free pick-up and delivery to local customers and all estimates are free.