To bring restoration and increased function to the human body by cultivating belief, encouraging purpose, and achieving goals in and amongst our clients, athletes, and staff; young and old alike. We are dedicated to your complete recovery. The brand of physical therapy you will receive at Freedom PTTC is individualized and proactive. When you come to Freedom PTTC, we treat you, not just your injury. At Freedom PTTC we utilize the latest research and technology and will rehab you in our state-of-the-art facility. We will be with you step-by-step until you return to work, play, or an active life. We believe that complete recovery requires a team effort and focus. We communicate with your doctor, athletic trainer, coach, and parent to provide a complete spectrum of care. Our goal is your recovery. We maximize your potential and provide freedom from pain, doubt and encourage a relentless desire to succeed. We look forward to treating you.