Valuation Resources is a trusted source for business valuation intelligence, providing authoritative deal and market data, news, research, training, and expert opinion. With over two decades of experience, their data, publications, and analysis have been relied upon in both the boardroom and the courtroom. They serve a wide range of financial professionals, including business appraisers, attorneys, M&A advisors, brokers, and business owners.
Valuation Resources offers a comprehensive range of tools and resources to support valuation conclusions, including search deal market data, transaction data, valuation benchmarking platforms, guideline public company comps tools, and more. Their expertise covers various topics such as case law, expert testimony, compensation, cost of capital, discounts, premiums, intellectual property, and global business valuation. Whether valuing a business, performing performance benchmarking, or assessing risk, Valuation Resources is the go-to resource for accurate and reliable business valuation information.
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