Highway signs and guardrails, Surfacing and paving, Indoor parking services
Cedar Rapids Engineering Department
The mission of the Cedar Rapids City Streets Department is to provide street and bridge maintenance, roadside vegetation management, snow and ice removal and emergency response control to the residents and visitors to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, so that safety and the streets infrastructure is maintained in the most effective and efficient manner. Ongoing services the department provides include asphalt overlays, full depth concrete panel replacement, seal coating, crack sealing, mud jacking, milling, ditching, seedling and related dirt work, and mowing and ground control. Winter projects include snow and ice control, while spring, summer and fall projects include pavement management and curbside leaf pickup services. Other services include curb and sidewalk concerns, graffiti removal, grass and weed control, potholes and repairs and street ordinances. The Cedar Rapids City Streets Department is located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.