Chester Firefighters Local 1400 is a dedicated organization committed to safeguarding the lives and properties of the residents of the City of Chester in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. With two strategically located stations, they provide round-the-clock service to a population of 37,000, employing a range of specialized apparatus and equipment. Their highly trained firefighters serve with pride, integrity, and courage, ensuring the safety and well-being of the community.
As an integral part of the city's emergency response system, Chester Firefighters Local 1400 operates Station 1 at Third and Tilghman Streets in the west end, and Station 2 at 14th Street and Providence Avenue in the east end. These stations house various firefighting vehicles, including engines, ladder trucks, and marine units, along with the necessary personnel and resources to effectively respond to emergencies. With a strong commitment to their mission, Chester Firefighters Local 1400 remains dedicated to protecting the city and its residents.
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