Unique Taxi has 2 memorable phone numbers that have both been around for 50 plus years. Although the name and owners have both changed several times over! In 2007 when we purchased it the name was A-Town Taxi. About 4 years ago we opted for a different approach to the business and changed the name to Unique Taxi and Courier Service.
Unique Taxi provides both local and long distance transportation within the state of Indiana. Primarily Anderson and surrounding citys/towns in Madison County. Unique Taxi has all required Licenses, Permits and Insurance Coverage! ALL of our drivers have all required Licenses and Permits as well, along with an FBI background check with digital fingerprints, on file with Anderson Police Department. A few of our services are listed below: --24 hour dispatch --immediate or scheduled pick up times --local and long distance transportation --Courier Service (includes fee) --Food Delivery Service (includes fee) --Senior Discounts --Student Discounts --Veterans Discounts --Wake Up calls (free) --Kids 5 and under ride free --Free ATM stops (in route) --we accept cash, credit and debit --Personal charge accounts --Commercial charge accounts --Open 24/7 365 --multiple raffles, drawings and coupons are offered throughout the year. --Set Rates for most fares