Irving Elementary School in Hammond, IN is a renowned educational institution that has been serving the community since 1908. With a rich history and a commitment to providing equitable educational opportunities, Irving empowers its diverse group of scholars to achieve success. The school offers a range of programs, including an Applied Skills program and the first Two-Way Spanish Dual Language Immersion program in Lake County Indiana. With over 750 students in grades K-6, Irving Elementary School is dedicated to fostering a respectful, organized, attentive, and responsible learning environment.
Located at 4727 Pine Avenue, Irving Elementary School underwent a reconstruction in 2005 to create a new building that reflects its dedication to excellence. Named after the great American writer Washington Irving, the school takes pride in nurturing students to reach their full potential. With a strong emphasis on core values and a diverse range of academic programs, Irving Elementary School is a leading educational institution in Hammond, IN.
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