Five Star Life is an innovative organization based in Elkhart, IN, that is dedicated to transforming the lives of children and youth through life-changing education and curriculum. Their comprehensive video curriculum, experiential learning programs, and mentoring opportunities help students develop leadership skills, positive mindsets, and healthy relationships, both in and out of the classroom. With a focus on personal growth and fun, Five Star Life is changing the face of culture by empowering young individuals to reach their full potential.
Through their various programs, including the Early Learning Center, FSL Basketball, and open programs for kids of all ages, Five Star Life provides engaging activities, nurturing environments, and age-appropriate curriculum to support children's growth and development. Their 350-acre leadership training center, Summit, integrates soft skills with physical activities, such as equine horsemanship, adventure courses, and nature education. By instilling resilience, trust, and a positive mindset, Five Star Life is setting kids up for success and making a lasting impact on their lives.
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