The business originally began in Chicago's Hegewisch neighborhood in the early 1980's when Drago purchased Baltimore Food Store on 133rd St. Over the years he created the super secret spice for his extremely famous and ever popular DRAGOBOS (Marinated Pork Shishkabob). The name Dragobobs came from our fans, who when ordering, decided to create a hybrid of the words Drago's Shish-ka-bob leading to Dragobobs. In the early 2000's Drago decided to sell the family business and retire. However Dragobobs did not retire with him! The family moved to a manufacturing business providing local businesses in the area with the opportunity to sell the highly desired shish-ka-bob. We provide Dragobobs to caterers, restaurants, grocery stores, etc.. and even on occasssion (through pre-orders) direct manufacturer sales to the public. Today, the DRAGOBOB name and product is not available at the location where it was originally created (Baltimore Food & Liquor..a.k.a. DRAGO'S).
Dragobobs - Marinated Pork (the original), Chicken and beef Shish-ka-bobs and Now chicken WINGS!