Tom Hammett, owner and acupuncture practitioner worked in western medicine for over 21 years as a registered nurse before he started practicing acupuncture. Tom had an orthopedic problem with his ankle that was going to require surgery that would put him out of work for 6 months. Tom wanted to try an alternative form of medicine, anything to keep him on his feet and off the operating table. Tom sought out acupuncture and with very few treatments his ankle became strong and the problems subsided. Although Tom was a skeptic of Oriental Medicine, after his experience, he became a true believer and went on to study Five Element Acupuncture at The Academy of Five Element Acupuncture in Hollandale, FL. Tom has earned his National Certification (NCCAOM) and Indiana State licensure, as well as his Advanced Constitutional Facial Acupuncture certificate at Bastyr University in Kenmore, WA, and a certificate of CranioSacral Therapy from the Upledger Institute in Palm Beach Gardens, FL.
Acupuncture of Indiana is a Classical Five element Acupuncture practice with offices located in the healing arts community of