Categorized under Communications. Our records show it was established in 2018 and incorporated in IL. Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of 20748 and employs a staff of approximately 1. I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce SOS Premier Global Communication LLC to you. SOS Premier Global Communication LLC, provides consultation and training to Fortune 500 companies, with increasing customer satisfaction, retention, and human resource management. SOS Premier Global Communication LLC strongly believes in promoting self-affirmations, increasing self-esteem and self-worth. We believe in working closely with Educational organizations to assist with increasing self-esteem and self-worth and we strongly believe that these values should be taught early. So, why not teach these important principles along with teaching letter sounds and recognition of the alphabet (ABC's), Vocabulary and Sight Words? We’re willing to admit that many of the self-love genre targets teens and young adults, leaving our young children without the essential foundation that they need to succeed in life. With growing trends that include bullying and peer-pressure it is imperative that we instill in our youth at an early age self-love, self-value, and self-respect. SOS Premier Global Communication LLC will continue to increase our platform by tackling issues that will help empower our youth, pre-teens, teens, young adults, and all individuals from birth to 100+ years old with our innovative and dynamic approach. We provide Staff Training, Transformational, and Motivational Public Speaking. We educate, transform and inspire Day Care Centers, Preschools, Elementary, Middle, High Schools, Churches, Business Owners, CEO’s, etc., globally on increasing self-love, self-esteem, and self-worth, that’s necessary for providing a positive environment that will manifest success.