Natural Healing Whole Dog Wellness was established by Lee Deaton in 2002. What started as a home operation, run out of her backyard swimming pool, quickly morphed into the brick and mortar business that stands in West Chicago today. Early in 2018, Lee decided to retire. She sold the business to a like-minded, canine hydrotherapy proponent, Randy Likas. After several months of discussions and training, Lee officially passed the reigns to Randy in August of 2018. Hydrotherapy exercises a dog's muscles, improves circulation and flexion, and can help them lose weight. Furthermore, hydrotherapy has been known to extend a dog's life. The therapy has aided dogs with age-related mobility issues, weak backs and arthritis, as well as has provided physical therapy for dogs following surgery.
We have two in-ground pools: 1.) A large (16' X 24') for bigger breeds 2.) A small