Metropolis, IL is a captivating destination where heroes and history converge on the picturesque shores of the Ohio River. As the authorized Home of Superman, this All-American town has attracted fans from around the world since 1972, but it offers much more than just comic book allure. With renowned events celebrating the town's rich history, thrilling outdoor adventures through the Shawnee National Forest, and a bustling casino, Metropolis has become a must-visit spot that caters to all interests.
Located at the southern tip of Illinois, where the borders of Illinois and Kentucky meet, Metropolis showcases the best of small-town America. With a wide range of lodging options, from luxurious 4-star hotels to budget-friendly accommodations, and a diverse culinary scene featuring locally owned eateries serving everything from elegant cuisine to mouthwatering burgers, visitors can expect warm Southern Illinois hospitality at its finest. Whether you're a Superman enthusiast or simply seeking a fun-filled getaway, Metropolis promises an unforgettable experience for visitors of all ages.
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