Jane has been providing breastfeeding assistance and support for the last 30yr. Since the pandemic, to protect new families and her own family, Jane is providing telehealth and in-office visits only. The office space is at 4700 C. N. Ravenswood. Jane is able to sanitize in, and out, provide social distancing, and properly mask and gown to keep everyone safe. Jane O'Connor BSN, MEd, IBCLC incorporated as JOC Lactation Consultants in 4/11. She has been a lactation consultant for 30yr and has seen thousands of moms and babies. Vanessa Prinz, IBCLC, teaches the monthly Zoom Back to Work class. Vanessa is the mother of four children and has been working with JOC Lactation Consultants since 2012.
I am committed to assisting and supporting parents in their decision to breastfeed their baby. My goal is to meet new moms where they are, and to provide the best support possible, tailored to each individual circumstance. Services provided during this pandemic: * Private consultations: In-office or telehealth consultations for breastfeeding assistance and support. * Back to Work Class -Zoom class offered monthly to assist new mom's in preparing to returning to work. You succeeded in establishing the breastfeeding dance in the first and second months of breastfeeding. Now is the time to think about how breastfeeding, pumping and working, fit into achieving your breastfeeding goals. The Back to Work Class presented monthly will help you do that.