In 2010, feeling the need to be more connected with her two pre-teen boys as well as wanting to create a happy and peaceful home for her family, Lee enlisted the help of a Parenting Coach. In 2012 at the urging of her coach, Lee became a Certified Parent Educator so she could share what she'd learned with other parents. Being able to create and enjoy a deeply connected relationship with her children convinced Lee that she could use the same relationship principles and tools to nurture her marital relationship. As Lee continues to transform herself and her relationships, her credentials and services also expand. In 2013 Lee became part of a small group of worldwide people who completed and were authorized to teach the world-renowned Gottman Institute's Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work class, based on Dr. John Gottman's best selling book. Currently Lee is getting her Law of Attraction coaching certification with the Quantum Success Coaching Academy (QSCA).
1. With our Parenting From The Heart program parents learn the skills to create a family with children who experience high self-esteem, connection, and win-win cooperation with parents, siblings and friends. 2. Parents, couples and/or anyone can take this program one step further and learn how to create meaningful connections and rewarding relationships with our Gottman's Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work class and our Law of Attraction Relationship coaching program.