Founded in Virginia Beach, VA in 1974, we started our Maui office in April 2013.
We are the only 100 Year Lifestyle affiliate office on Maut. LightForce Chiropractic uses a series of low force adjustments targeted to specific vertebral joints. Each adjustment is targeted to the individual's specific problem. We pioneered this gentle technique and have used it exclusively in our practices. Because of the specific adjustments, LightForce can be used on infants and the very elderly. It is gentle enough for pregnant mothers and individuals in severe pain, and precise enough to be used on patients with previous back surgeries or spinal fusions. Cold laser. Dr. Pat McLean is a cold laser specialist and trains athletic trainers, sports teams and health professionals in the use of cold laser. Cold Laser rapidly removes inflammation and helps the body heal by stimulating cell regeneration. Amethyst BioMat is a warm far-infrared resting mat for your use in our office. Young Living essential oils are used exclusively in our office.