Maui Comics was created as a partnership between Bruce Ellsworth III and Alika Seki in 2010. Maui Comics was originally an underground store run out of Bruce's garage and open by appointment only. Bruce was a senior adviser to the Overstreet Price Guide of Comics and famed collector who's achievements include finding the Blankis-Salida collection and appearing on CNN in the early 80's for fetching the highest price to date for an issue of Superman 1 - not to mention his long and storied career as a professional guitarist with the likes of Stevie Ray Vaughn and Chuck Berry. Bruce was always able to locate hard to find or sought after titles for our customers. He gained a loyal legion of customers and friends. Sadly Bruce passed on in 2013 before we opened the storefront. With the knowledge and training passed on by Bruce, current owner and adviser to the OPG Alika Seki was able to start the store and bring Maui's love of comics out of the underground and back into everyone's daily lives
We sell new and collectible comics, toys, vinyl and vintage (cartridge) video games. We buy, sell, trade and consign collections - or just bring your collection in for a free appraisal.