Temple Kehillat Chaim Religious School features a full range of activities, including Hebrew and Judaica classes (Bible stories, Jewish-American history, Midrash and Jewish history), Tefillah (worship) and enrichment activities. Kindergarten to seventh grade classes meet weekly on Sunday mornings during the school year. Bar and Bat Mitzvah students receive additional tutorial instruction during the week in the six months prior to their simcha. Road to Confirmation and Confirmation classes (eighth to 10th grade) meet on Wednesday evenings.
In addition to the religious school, they also have an onsite preschool for children 18 months old through 4 years old. Students in the preschool are able to develop fine and gross motor skills, with an integrated Jewish component.
The school is active in the local community, supporting an apartment at the Drake House and regularly doing projects to benefit North Fulton Community Charities, including providing the community with a “coat drop“ location.