In the short term, our services are designed to help alleviate emotional pain, relational problems and psychological suffering. In the longer term, in collaboration with our clients, we seek to promote personal growth and development in a framework of spiritual, emotional and relational maturity.
Along with 25 Locations: We offer Psychotherapy, Counseling and Christian Counseling review in several different formats for your convenience. Individual, couples, family, youth, young adults, senior and groups are all available options. We provide excellent counseling/therapy and life Coaching. We will assist restoring open communication and understanding. Our work as therapists is to help you through the development of a caring and non-judgmental relationship - the working alliance. Experience has taught us the integration of Christianity and counseling is most effective when we develop an understanding of you as a person - and about how your faith might be a resource or a source of tension in what brings you to therapy in the first place. We do not preach and we do not proselytize. We specialize in working with various issues of life including teenagers on various issues from anxiety and anger issues to relationships and respect.