Vapin By The Beach is a vapor e-cig retail and online store. We opened our physical store the 1st week in January 2012. We have lived here for 17 years and worked in the local community as professionals. We were introduced last February to the EGO/ECig, Vapor Cigarette. Although skeptical, we made our quit date for that Monday after our cigarettes ran out. We started Vapin, our electronic cigarette, excited to just test the product and low and behold we did not desire a tobacco cigarette anymore. The taste of a tobacco cigarette became undesirable, hence the reason we opened a vapor cigarette store. We want to share our story since I was a 35 year smoker and tried everything to quit and my husband, a 2.5-3 pack smoker, did the same.
Our pledge to our customers is that we will provide the necessary tools to help you along the way to quit smoking. We also will provide you the most up to date information and knowledge as we know it. We will stock what our customers want since our customers are our business. We chose to open a store that we are passionate about. We will always take the time with the beginners and help move the