Low level laser therapy (LLLT) or cold laser, is a painless, sterile, non-invasive, drug-free treatment modality that is used for a variety of conditions such as, acute and chronic pain, acne and so much more. What conditions can LLLT help? * Pain, Swelling, Stiffness, Inflammation * Range of Motion * Wound Healing * Ligament, Tendon &Muscle Repair * Infection Resolution Support - Viral, Bacterial, Fungal * Digestive Dysfunction * Brain & Neuroplasticity Regeneration * Mitochondria Repair * Detoxification Support * Why we use LLLT effective for Healing? * Provides Natural Light Energy Cells Need * Increases Communication Between Cells and Systems * Increases Blood and Oxygen Flow to Weakened or Damaged Mitochondria * Supports the natural Adaptive Physiology of the Human Body * Stimulates Mitochondria, the Powerhouse of Cells, to Produce Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) However, using a 635nm/ 405nm laser greatly enhances cellular metabolism and repair. The body decreases the inflammation phase on its own to provide optimum healing. The practitioner and athlete benefit by experiencing decreased swelling, pain and increased range of motion and muscle strength and a quicker recovery through the healing cascade with no side effects.