The philosophy of Sunshine Integrative Health is one where patient and practitioner work towards the same vision and goals. A driving force behind Sunshine Integrative Health is that health and wellness is for all. Appointments are scheduled to maximize time with each patient without long hours spent in waiting rooms. Do expect a comprehensive review of your past and current health and a plan to care for your immediate health needs and long-term goals.
Allergies Arthritis Cancer/Oncology Support Cholesterol Chronic Fatigue Depression/Anxiety Diabetes Emotional Wellbeing Family Practice Fibromyalgia Gastrointestinal Disorders Geriatrics Headache/Migraine Immune Diseases/Disorders Infertility Musculoskeletal Disorders Nutrition Orthopedics Pain Management Pediatric/Healthy Kids Pregnancy Sleep/Insomnia Smoking Sports Medicine Stress Weight Management Wellness/Healing/Prevention Women's Health/ObGyn Yeast