Designer Jason Zeid has designed everything from landscapes to computers for over 10 years. His photography experience is 20 years as an enthusiast! His focus for the last few years has been primarily websites and photography. Ripple Effect Website Design shares passion and understanding of technology with its clients in the form of websites and photography.
Ripple Effect Photography specializes in session photography with pets and kids, anniversaries, and weddings. The ability to build exposure counting stops of light is an advanced skill. This is what I have learned doing in-depth training sessions. Aperature Shutterspeed and ISO create what is known as the exposure triangle. Mastery of this means a perfect photo every time. When you expose a photo manually like that, a greater amount of control means stunning results every time. The utmost care is taken with each client in many ways. We will hopefully have a creative talk about taste before each shoot. Don't let fear get the best of you. Please message me for a free consultation.