Parker Brothers Concepts, based in Melbourne, FL, is a world-renowned design and engineering company known for their innovative and unconventional approach to vehicle creation. Led by brothers Shanon and Marc Parker, the team has gained global recognition for their ability to push the boundaries of design and technology, resulting in the development of some of the most outrageous vehicles on the planet, including a concept for the 2030 Mars Rover. With a focus on finding alternative methods and thinking outside the box, Parker Brothers Concepts inspires others to make the impossible a reality and create their own amazing creations.
From motorcycles to cars and even Mars Rovers, Parker Brothers Concepts has established themselves as pioneers in various industries, constantly challenging the status quo and delivering the next big thing. Shanon, the chief designer, leads the way in pushing the envelope of design, while Marc, the engineer, brings these visionary concepts to life. With their custom concepts and a team of talented individuals, Parker Brothers Concepts continues to captivate the world with their unique and groundbreaking creations.
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