North Tampa Alternative School was established to educate students that displayed a pattern of disruptive behaviors or committed a violation that was not due to any disability.
The average length of a student's stay is a year. However, students must remain at the school until they meet the requirements of his or her expulsion, including maintain a satisfactory behavioral, academic and attendance record, take part in at least three parent involvement activities and maintain a satisfactory academic record. After a student meets the criteria, he or she transitions back to a neighborhood school.
Approximately 70 percent of students are black, 18 percent are Hispanic, 8 percent are white and 4 percent are multi-racial. In addition, 31 percent are classified as students with disabilities and 15 percent are classified as English Language Learners. Approximately 87 percent of students receive free or reduced cost lunches.
The school is a part of the teacher Incentive Fund, which provides additional compensation for teachers and administrators at high needs schools who are deemed effective.