Lorraine Ross Massage in Punta Gorda, FL offers a range of massage therapy services aimed at treating pain, stress, tension, and injury. With over a decade of experience as a massage therapist, Lorraine is dedicated to helping clients find comfort, ease, and mobility in their lives through the power of bodywork. From therapeutic massages to Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) treatments, Lorraine's expertise and passion for wellness make her a trusted practitioner in the Punta Gorda community. With a focus on reducing inflammation, treating fibromyalgia, and addressing nerve, joint, and muscle pain, Lorraine utilizes FSM to provide effective relief and accelerate the healing process for her patients. FSM is a system of treatment that uses micro-amperage current and specific frequencies to target tissue and conditions, resulting in improved health and reduced symptoms. Lorraine's commitment to accurate diagnosis and personalized care ensures that each client receives the most effective treatment for their specific condition.
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