Garden Bros Circus, a beloved family tradition for over 100 years, presents the Garden Bros Nuclear Circus, an all-new show that promises to amaze audiences with its thrilling performances and special effects. With over 60 performers from around the world in 5 rings, this one-hour spectacle features incredible acts such as the Human Cannonball, Wheel of Death, and Motorcycles in the Sphere of Fear, along with comedy and the famous Olate Performing Dogs from America's Got Talent.
Free children's tickets are available at local schools, day care centers, and churches, while the first hundred adult tickets sold online are priced at just $14.50. This real family adventure offers the opportunity to meet the circus stars, get face painted like a superhero, enjoy various attractions like the Monster Slide and moon bounce, and indulge in classic circus treats like Cotton Candy, Popcorn, Funnel Cakes, and Sno Cones, all within the comfort of the climate-controlled Big Top Arena.
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