As a resident of Miami Beach since 1971, our Founder, Greg the Garbageman has been involved with taking the trash out since he was 7. Garbageman.com was created to answer the needs of clients that wanted smaller dumpsters that would fit into the parking garages of their condominium for renovation projects. When we brought the first dump trailer to Fish** Island they changed the rules on dumpsters. Our service is by far the best since we can park them anywhere anytime to make our customers happy.
Same Day Service. Condominium parking garages, High End Homes, Sunset, LaGorce, Palm, Hibiscus, and Star Island. We are the best on Miami Beach for waste removal, Bar None. We offer Same Day Service with competitive prices and a positive attitude. We are a US Green Builders Council member and offer LEED paperwork for Recycling.