El Sol Cigars is a historic cigar brand that has been producing premium, handmade cigars since the late 1920s. With a rich heritage in the Dominican Republic, El Sol opened its first US cigar store in Ybor City, Florida in 1929, becoming the oldest and most respected cigar store in the Tampa area. After temporarily closing its doors in 2015, El Sol has made a triumphant return in 2021, bringing back its original recipe and working with top boutique tobacco producers to create the finest quality cigars.
Today, El Sol offers two premium cigars, both handcrafted using only long-fill premium Dominican tobacco. With options of a Natural Connecticut wrapper or a Colorado full-flavored wrapper, these man-sized cigars are meticulously designed and evaluated to ensure the utmost in taste and quality. Produced in small batches, El Sol cigars are highly sought after and cherished by cigar enthusiasts who appreciate the unparalleled flavor and craftsmanship.
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