The Urias Daredevils, a family of fearless performers, have been thrilling audiences for almost 100 years with their death-defying stunts inside a 16-foot diameter Globe of Death. Following in the footsteps of their father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, brothers Erwin and Melvin Urias, along with Olga Surnina and Jodie Urias, continue the legacy of this extraordinary act.
With their heart-stopping motorcycle stunt show, the Urias Daredevils bring an unparalleled level of excitement to any event. As one of the few female riders in the history of the act, Olga Surnina fearlessly joins the brothers inside the Globe, while Jodie Urias takes on the daring role of the center attraction, surrounded by zooming motorcycles. Experience the rich history and unmatched thrill of the Urias Globe of Death.
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