Energy Medicine Florida was established 20 years ago by Dr. Sherwood Swartz aka Dr. Wu Dhi with the aim to provide holistic healing as an adjunct to Western medicine to the South Florida community. Through seminars, public speaking, and direct practice, he uses his gathered knowledge over his extensive 35 year career to balance people's mental, physical and emotional well being. Dr. Swartz is a practitioner of acupuncture, medical qi gong, homeopathy and herbology. His practice is located at Whole Life Health and Wellness Center in Aventura, FL.
- Acupuncture - Medical Qi Gong - Detox - Biological Medicine - Herbal Medicine - Homeopathic Medicine - Weight Loss - Anti-Aging & Longevity Medicine - Stress Reduction - Vitamin Therapy - Acu Point Injections - (CRT) Computerized Regulation Thermography Testing - Hormone Testing - Prescriptive Exercises - Complete Blood Work - Body Mind Clearing - Magnetic Therapy - Light Beam Generator - Neural therapy & Segment therapy - Alcat food testing