Private lessons are one on one lessons with you and your professional instructor. There is always special attention to the dances you and your partner want to learn. Your instructor will teach you all the basics, techniques, and styles for your specific dancing interests. We keep up to date records of your progress on your own personally designed program as well as look ahead and plan with you all of your future dancing goals. Couples and singles are always welcome. You do not need a partner to take private lessons. Private lessons can be scheduled at times convenient with your busy schedule. Monday through Friday 1pm-10pm. Weekends are by appointment only. We do Skype lessons & IPhone recordings for your particular dances you want to do. Pricing is based on an hourly rate. Call us for details. Group Lessons The group sessions will help you to develop and improve your dancing through review and practice with other students.
We teach Social Ballroom Dancing. We teach Competition Ballroom Dancing.