Victory Martial Arts in Windermere, FL is a renowned martial arts school with a team of experienced instructors who are dedicated to helping students achieve their goals. Led by Grand Master Von Schmeling, who has over 30 years of teaching experience, Victory Martial Arts stands out from other schools by making discipline fun and empowering students to become the best versions of themselves. With a focus on life skills such as discipline and self-esteem, Victory Martial Arts offers programs for preschoolers, kids, teens, adults, and families, providing a positive and supportive environment for all.
At Victory Martial Arts, Chief Master F. Casco, Master Leonardo Nery, Master Luiz Zamboni, and Master Hermann Von Schmeling bring their extensive knowledge and passion for martial arts to guide students in developing discipline, self-esteem, focus, and social skills. With over 40 years of combined teaching experience, these instructors use martial arts as a tool to positively impact students' lives, helping them overcome fears, learn self-defense, and become role models for others. With a strong emphasis on structure, discipline, and fun, Victory Martial Arts offers classes that not only teach martial arts skills but also instill valuable life lessons that students can apply in everyday life.
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