Industrial and labor consulting services
Progressive Strategies LLC
Progressive Strategies is an innovative consulting firm which offers the progressive community a comprehensive array of professional services. We assist a variety of clients, such as issue advocacy groups, Political Action Committees ( PAC's ), individual donors, new media pioneers, bloggers and socially responsible businesses with strategies that will help to build and manage their overall goals. We work actively to create and maintain comprehensive issue-based campaigns, incorporating all of the major tools of successful organizations including: public opinion research, Internet organizing and netroots outreach, fieldwork, paid advertising, earned media, political outreach and new media tools, including web video and podcasting. We also advise major funders and donors on how they can target their giving to have the most significant impact possible. Since its beginning, Progressive Strategies has established itself as a national leader in the progressive community and has worked tirelessly to help clients with their broad consulting needs, including bringing together vast coalitions throughout the movement. Our firm has extensive experience in grassroots organizing and politics combined with knowledge of the inner-workings of the government and elections from local school boards all the way to the White House. Whether its help in targeting or assistance with coordinating your political activities, Progressive Strategies, coupled with its vast resources and relationships, structures campaigns in the most effective way possible. Progressive Strategies is an innovative consulting firm which offers the progressive community a comprehensive array of professional services. We assist a variety of clients, such as issue advocacy groups, Political Action Committees ( PACs ), individual donors, new media pioneers, bloggers and socially responsible businesses with strategies that will help to build and manage their overall goals. We create and maintain comprehensive issue-based campaigns, incorporating all of the major tools available to help build the capacity of the progressive movement.