Dr. Sniezek is a graduate of the Rehabilitation Medicine program at George Washington University Medical Center and the Medical Acupuncture for Physicians programs at the UCLA School of Medicine and Harvard Medical School Postgraduate programs. Dr. Sniezek has special interest in Rehabilitation Medicine, Pain Management, Medical Acupuncture, Performance Arts Medicine, and Integrative Medicine. Dr. Sniezek is an attending / consulting physician at GWUMC and Children's National Medical Center with medical acupuncture privileges. A member of the Performance Arts Medicine Association, Dr. Sniezek also utilizes his expertise in the performing arts.
Experience a unique blend of conventional and complementary treatment methods that safely and effectively combine traditional medicine with acupuncture, chiropractic care, exercise, and nutrition. Unlike some practices with many providers sharing one office, Dr. Sniezek is an integrative health provider trained in multiple disciplines. This very powerful combination of knowledge, skill, and experience can save you valuable time. Whether you need integrative rehabilitation, chiropractic care, pain management, or any other integrative medicine approaches, our centers in Washington, DC and in McLean, VA are here to assist you. An integrative medicine approach is beneficial for addressing many conditions, including neck and lower back pain, headaches, elbow and shoulder pain, knee pain, and foot and ankle pain. We utilize integrative medicine to help relieve stress, manage pain, and improve overall well-being and health. Contact Advanced Integrative today to make an appointment with us!