Norwalk Recreation & Parks is a city-run agency responsible for running a wide variety of programs for children, adults and seniors, as well as maintaining public parks and the grounds surrounding government buildings, boat launches and comfort stations.
Norwalk is invested in keeping its residents active. The city runs summer camps and athletic programs, including tournaments, races and leagues and even provides instruction, including swimming lessons. There are also city-run playgrounds for those interested in unstructured play.
Those not inclined toward sports and fitness may enjoy the many dance, symphonic and choral performances offered at a variety of venues around town. There is a summer concert series and the Carriage House Arts Center series, for which the public is invited to audition.
Seafaring residents can apply for a boat sticker. The registration form is available to download on the website and can be returned to Town Hall in person or by mail. Stickers are also available for the beaches - handy if you want to spend the day at Calf Pasture.
In addition to sponsoring these activities, the Recreation personnel are responsible for maintaining these venues in addition to all 1,200 acres of all government facilities, including the city's public schools.