Commodore MacDonough Elementary School is a two-story brick structure built in 1924 and dedicated in 1925. As of 2010 it had 225 students, divided among two full-time kindergarten classes, and two classrooms each of first through fifth graders. It also has a team of interventionists to provide support to at-risk students in literacy and numeracy. Specialists in the areas of art, music, and physical education visit each week to promote a well-rounded educational experience. It is also one of two elementary schools with a Family Resource Center (Farm Hill Elementary School on Ridge Road being the other).
Farm Hill is one of two elementary schools in Middletown with a Family Resource Center (Commodore MacDonough Elementary School on Spring Street being the other one). The center aims to enhance children's learning and to strengthen bonds between families and the school through literacy programs, strengthened English-speaking skills, workshops in childhood development, high-quality preschool and before- and after-school programs, enhanced parental involvement, adult education and referrals to community services.