Adrienne Thomason, PT in Guilford, CT offers a range of therapeutic approaches that focus on the body, mind, and deeper aspects of self for optimal health and healing. With expertise in Jin Shin Jyutsu, Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, and Craniosacral Therapy, Adrienne utilizes touch and body reading techniques to restore the body to its natural state of well-being.
Through the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine knowledge and acupuncture, Adrienne balances the organ flows and energy flows in the body, promoting harmony and preventing disease. Additionally, gentle manual therapies such as craniosacral therapy, myofascial release, muscle energy technique, strain counterstain, and visceral organ work are employed to remove tension patterns, restore balance, and enhance joint articulation and movement. With a passion for sailing and the water, Adrienne aspires to incorporate these elements into her work in the future.
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