I transitioned into holistic healthcare from the public school system in 1999. The shift has brought tremendous satisfaction and allowed me to assist others in exploring underlying causes for many of the maladies we currently face. My own personal health challenges and those of my clients have been my greatest teachers. Trauma (old and/or new), harsh conditioning, inaccurate information, intense personal and relationship challenges, ingrained lifestyle choices, and numerous other situations can all leave us feeling helpless and confused at times. Sorting through the challenges together with a trusted and knowledgeable resource can make all the difference. I look forward to assisting in any way possible.
Holistic healthcare practitioner in Denver, CO|Massage therapist Denver, CO I offer 1) bodywork with an emphasis on deep tissue massage and neuromuscular therapy ,2) nutritional coaching to optimize energy, facilitate detoxification, and enhance well-being, and 3) spiritual support for those seeking heart-centered presence. The deep tissue massage is firm and effective, yet gentle. You will leave feeling noticeably freer in your body, without soreness from techniques performed too aggressively. Myofascial release, heat, and stretching can be included. I have worked with hundreds of satisfied clients over the past 20 years and will customize your session to your liking. I honor our time together with sacred reverence, reserving discussion for before and/or afterward, unless initiated by you. I offer a complimentary 30 minute session (schedule on my website, www.radicallyhealthy.org) to allow you to experience the work with no pressure or obligation. Nutritional support assists you in sifting through confusing and contradictory information to find what works for you. I do not consistently advocate any particular dietary regimen (paleo, vegan, vegetarian, etc.) but aim to customize plans that best suit your individual needs. Finally, spiritual connection opens the door to an expanded sense of possibility, wonder, and love which transforms from the inside out. This transformation affects all areas of life and can contribute significantly to health and well-being.