Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory's first franchise with the celebration of the store opening on July 4, 1982. In the shadows of Pikes Peak, nestled between the Garden of the Gods and Seven Falls, is a place combining the adventurous spirit of a frontier town and the wholesome values of days gone by...Old Colorado City. Located just west of modern day downtown Colorado Springs it still retains the individuality and charm that made it Colorado's first Capital. There you will find the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, where we stubbornly cling to the old ways, making every piece of chocolate candy, every caramel apple, and every loaf of fudge by hand.
Walk through the door and feast your eyes on a fantastic variety of handmade chocolate confections: Toffee, Truffles, Caramels, Peanut Butter, Brittle, Divinity, Tiger Butter, Chocolate covered Strawberries, and so much more. The tantalizing aroma is enough to satisfy cravings of even the most ardent chocoholic! Watch as we dip crisp apples in thick, bubbling caramel from a traditional copper kettle. Smile as we roll them in a rainbow of tasty toppings to complete your old fashioned treat. Linger awhile longer and learn how fudge is made as we fashion a creamy loaf on a traditional marble slab, the old fashioned way, right before your eyes. And of course, everyone gets a free sample. But don't leave without sharing your experience with a gift of fine chocolate, elegantly crafted and beautifully packaged in boxes, tins and baskets. Hand-made Gourmet Caramel Apples and Fudge Custom Chocolate Molding, Chocolate Coins, Personalized Business Gifts, Wedding Favors, and Gift Baskets.