Mountain World Productions, based in Evergreen, CO, is a renowned platform created by Jake Norton, an experienced climber and storyteller with over 25 years of sharing his adventures and insights. Through captivating words, stunning photography, compelling films, and engaging keynote presentations, Mountain World Productions offers a unique perspective on the world's great peaks, the diverse cultures surrounding them, and the lessons learned from these immersive experiences.
With a focus on bringing new perspectives, inspiration, and ideas about our shared world, Mountain World Productions relies on the support of its members to continue producing high-quality content. By becoming a monthly, yearly, or lifetime supporter, patrons gain access to exclusive perks, such as free image downloads, fine art discounts, behind-the-scenes videos, travel tips, live Q&A sessions, and more. Additionally, 10% of all support is donated to carefully vetted charities, making a positive impact on our global community.
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