Natalie Worobel Counseling
My counseling skills and qualifications cover a wide variety of areas, but are particularly well suited for adults who want to become more empowered and for those with digital media overuse/addiction (i.e. social media, video-games, information overload, porn, and shopping). Engaging in therapy can help you to explore and experiment with new patterns of behavior and ways of thinking which can lead to more congruence in who you are and who you want to be. As a therapist my focus is on improving communication, building and maintaining relationships, developing a sense of balance, and becoming the best version of yourself.
My approach is to encourage clients to go beyond their comfort zone and take on new ways of thinking and being. It is far too easy to escape our emotions with digital devices, but oftentimes this comes with later harmful effects. My extensive experience working with addiction and digital media overuse issues makes me well suited to help guide this process.