Psychiatrists and psychoanalysts
Pikes Peak Hyperbaric
The hyperbaric chamber provides up to 300% more oxygen saturation, allowing wounds to heal faster, swelling to be reduced much more quickly, restoration or increased blood flow to injured areas therefore hastening healing, aiding in detoxification and promoting general wellness. Furthermore, bacteria, viruses and yeast cannot survive in an oxygen enriched environment and the pressurized environment of the mild hyperbaric chamber allows many to recover much quicker from surgery or injury.Reasons to use hyperbaric chambers vary. We treat many individuals with a wide range of symptoms as well as those suffering from chronic diseases and debilitating conditions such as ASD, Alzheimer's, Dementia, Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury, Lyme Disease, Cancer, Parkinson, Fibromyalgia, MS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, allergies, gut issues, sleep problems, just to scratch the surface. At present there are around 66 conditions that are being treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.