This liquor store is built on a foundation of over 15 years of experience. We hope we can share our knowledge with you and become part of your community.
A dream come to life in a growing Green Valley Ranch neighborhood. Gateway Liquor's vision is to create an atmosphere where beer, wine, and liquor from across the world can come into one place, allowing the possibility to try it all (One Day!). To help us and you get there, we've created an 12,000 Sq/Ft Retail Space, Walk-In Bomber Room, Make your own 6-Packs, On Site Tastings, and mix-n-match Case Discounts. Gateway Liquor is locally owned and operated, provided by the people who love it, to the people who love it. We strive to provide an upscale neighborhood liquor store with everyday low prices and service that can't be found at other stores. This is made possible through our buying strategy and an on site 5,000 Sq/Ft controlled Warehouse right below your feet.