Once upon a time, three wise men from California began their journey into the cannabis community under a wonderful leader named Frank. Frank taught them all they needed to know in the medical cannabis industry, including the finely detailed skills of growing and harvesting, to recommending all the right medicines for their patient's various symptoms and ailments. When they decided to travel East to our wonderful state of Colorado, they brought the name with them as homage to their amazing teacher and cannabis activist. Come join the Franks Farm family and we'll make sure you are treated as a member in more ways than one in this ever-growing adventure we are taking into the great world of medical cannabis.
Frank's Farm cares about our patients with alternative medical needs. Our full service MMJ facility offers high-quality, medical marijuana flower, extracts, edibles and more at a great location in Southern Colorado Springs! Franks Farm also provides merchandise, apparel, smoking devices, oils and salves, as well as our wide variety of medical-grade strains of flower.